martes, 6 de septiembre de 2011


It has been an interesting unit; at last we understood the purpose of a portfolio. We thought that it was just an evidence of a student’s development, but noticed that it is also a guide that might help to remember important topics of our profession. We never thought that we could do an electronic portfolio or electronic page web; we did not even know it existed. In order to have an easy tool for learning, one has to put many different elements in the portfolio and use a lot of creativity. We would like to use this kind of portfolio in our own classes because it is cheap, easy to check, and ecological. And above all, students become more creative and responsible of their work. We think that it would be very motivating for students, especially the young ones that love technology.
Assessment was another topic that is now clearer to us, we think that teachers and students have had many experiences with assessments, but nobody is absolutely aware of their importance. Also it was interesting that many researchers have investigated what assessment is. Reading their different points of view, reminded us of the importance of being objective, giving feedback regularly, and knowing exactly when we are teaching and when we are assessing.  It was interesting to reflect on the different ways a teacher can give feedback to students, parents, and administration.
We want to mention that we loved to work with a text book while writing the objectives. It was like going to the future because we had to imagine what to do, how to do it and in which manner students will learn easily.

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